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Zona Nyaman Terkadang kita lupa dengan apa yang seharusnya diperjuangkan Bukan karena tak sanggup atau lemah, pun bukan karena rasa malas Tetapi ragu 'tuk melangkah Terkadang kita hanya terlena  Sebentar, yang malah menjadi terbiasa Kemudian menjadi kebiasaan Akhirnya tak berani 'tuk memperbaharui diri Kenyamanan memang membuat tenang  Kita juga merasa aman dan menjadikan hati senang Tapi tunggu dulu, janganlah merasa menjadi pemenang!  Sebelum berani 'tuk bertualang
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Ku Relakan Kau Pergi Untuk Cita-citamu

Source: “Janji ya, nanti kalau kamu sudah sampai di sana, langsung kabari aku. Pokoknya setiap pulang kuliah, kamu harus chat aku. Jangan lupa,” rengek Fanny kepada kekasihnya, Revan, yang akan berkuliah di Jerman, sambil memakaikan gelang yang khusus dibuat olehnya sebagai hadiah perpisahan. “Iya, aku janji. Senyum dong, jangan sedih lagi ya,” jawab Revan sambil menghibur Fanny dan   berusaha menahan kesedihannya. “Aku nggak lama kok. Kamu kan tau, nanti aku akan balik lagi ke Indonesia setelah aku lulus. Nggak mungkin aku selamanya tinggal disana, Fan,” kemudian ia mengambil tangan Fanny dan menggenggamnya sambil berusaha meyakinkan kekasihnya tersebut. “Sayang, kalian jangan sedih-sedih gitu dong. Nikmati kebersamaan kalian di sini. Mama tau, ini sangat berat buat kalian. Tapi coba deh, nikmati momen kalian ini sekarang,” tiba-tiba Mama Revan memecah keheningan antara dua sejoli yang akan berpisah untuk sementara waktu...

This is our story

Source:  Photo by Travis Grossen This is our story.  Between you and me,  about us.  Not them.  Neither you nor she  write this.  This is our story  No, no, don't listen to them But look at me and just follow your heart Then you will know it And remember, this is our story. 

About life

Hello there! I'm finally back haha xD after totally long time I didn't write here. So sorry I was a bit bussy with my life and now before sleep like usual, I will write here ;) Life is so funny.. I have lived 27 years and I still don't understand sometimes what happened to me. Yes, I know, in our life we will meet different people with different character, everyday. They come and go or sometimes stay with you some times or even longer. I think they come to you with a reason. Maybe they have their own reason or maybe God that have it. But I don't understand, why after they come sometimes suddenly they go. They go away without any reasons. Maybe their work from God have finished. And then God want to teach you another lesson. This lesson is being new, different, without them. You can do all without them. You don't need them anymore but Him. Do not so longer put your head on her/his shoulder. You don't know how strong their shoulder and how long they can keep it....

Les Private Bahasa Jerman

Hallo teman-teman! Kali ini saya akan memberi informasi ke kalian semua mengenai les private bahasa Jerman. Untuk teman-teman yang ingin belajar bahasa Jerman, saya menawarkan beberapa program khusus. Program ini mulai dari level A1 hingga level B1. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kalian bisa langsung bertanya pada kolom komentar dalam postingan ini atau menghubungi langsung pada kontak yang tertera pada gambar. Danke 😊 NABILA DEUTSCHKURS

Snailmail Penpal #3

Source: Hello snail mail enthusiast! I will tell you now about my bad experience when I do snail mail. It happened on June this year. I met someone on a penpal website, then he sent me message that he has interest in snailmail penpal. He collects some coins and postcard too. We talked a lot about our culture, foods in our country, our different habbits and then he offering me to swap postcard, coin and souvenirs. Okay, I though "Oh, its really cool", then I said yes to him. And then I said always to my penpal that I will give my address, if they also give their address to me in the same time. It's fair I think and better. Then he said yes. Okay, and you know what happen after it? His "gift" (he said that's gift for me because there are postcard, coin and magnet) never come to me 😑 And now because of it, I dont trust strange easily.. PS: I do snailmail with everyone (I don't care about your religion, your race, or your...

Snailmail Penpal #2

Hallo! Heute werde ich euch über meine Erfahrung erz ӓhlen. Das begann im 2015. Der erste Briefumschlag kam zu mir. Das war 2 B ücher. Sie waren ein slowakische Magazin und eine Novelle (bilingual: Englisch und Slowakisch). Es freute mich so sehr 😊 Dann sendete er auch eine Karte (Birthday card) und einen Brief an meinem Geburtstag. Ich denke, dass das sehr s chӧn ist, wenn man ineinander lernen kennt. Ich studiere Deutsch und deutsche Kultur an der Uni, aber wegen dieser Sache (Snailmail) kenne ich jetzt nicht nur Deutsch und deutsche Kultur, sondern auch ein bisschen Slowakisch und slowakische Kultur. Das finde ich auch interessant 😊 PS: If you're interested in snail mail, let me know 😉