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About life

Hello there! I'm finally back haha xD after totally long time I didn't write here. So sorry I was a bit bussy with my life and now before sleep like usual, I will write here ;)

Life is so funny.. I have lived 27 years and I still don't understand sometimes what happened to me. Yes, I know, in our life we will meet different people with different character, everyday. They come and go or sometimes stay with you some times or even longer. I think they come to you with a reason. Maybe they have their own reason or maybe God that have it. But I don't understand, why after they come sometimes suddenly they go. They go away without any reasons. Maybe their work from God have finished. And then God want to teach you another lesson. This lesson is being new, different, without them. You can do all without them. You don't need them anymore but Him. Do not so longer put your head on her/his shoulder. You don't know how strong their shoulder and how long they can keep it. Stand up! Do not forget about this sentence, "auf Menschen gibt es keine Garantie". It's true and I agree. We have same hair, black. But we can't see inside their head. Especially heart. It's a mistery.

24.06.2020 - NDA -


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