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Snailmail Penpal #3


Hello snail mail enthusiast! I will tell you now about my bad experience when I do snail mail. It happened on June this year. I met someone on a penpal website, then he sent me message that he has interest in snailmail penpal. He collects some coins and postcard too. We talked a lot about our culture, foods in our country, our different habbits and then he offering me to swap postcard, coin and souvenirs. Okay, I though "Oh, its really cool", then I said yes to him. And then I said always to my penpal that I will give my address, if they also give their address to me in the same time. It's fair I think and better. Then he said yes. Okay, and you know what happen after it? His "gift" (he said that's gift for me because there are postcard, coin and magnet) never come to me 😑 And now because of it, I dont trust strange easily..

PS: I do snailmail with everyone (I don't care about your religion, your race, or your gender). The most important is your kindness, politeness and honesty.


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